An interview with our team

posted on 14th June, 2021

Dipl.-Inf. Thomas L. Lederer

German & European Patent Attorney 


Where are you from and which path led you to ABP?

I am an original Bavarian: Born in Rosenheim, 25km north of the Austrian-Bavarian border, my education led me from Munich to Berlin and finally back to Bavaria. I have been working in the field of IP for almost 15 years now. After working in the industry and various law firms, I was looking for a firm where I could advise clients from the invention until the exploitation – and where patents also play a real role for clients. ABP has a wide range of clients and really great inventors, with whom it is fun to turn inventions into the special form of a patent application.

What does being a part of ABP mean to you?

ABP has a very familiar working atmosphere, where colleagues do not only show consideration for each other, but also help each other. The skills of the team members complement each other perfectly and ensure successful teamwork. I also appreciate the fact that I can bring dogs with me. My two mixed-breed dogs Josy and Lexi are practically part of the team as well and feel very comfortable in the office (especially because my colleagues always spoil them with treats).

What are your goals for the near future as a German and European Patent Attorney and graduate computer scientist at ABP?

My mission – still – is to show inventors and companies that patents for computer-implemented inventions ("software patents”) are possible, especially also in the field of artificial intelligence. As a specialized IP boutique, we are working to expand our expert status in this area as well, and to help our existing and new clients protect their inventions in the best possible way.